
Or choose an option to support

  • Food & Hygiene Items

    Food & Hygiene Items

    A donation of $150 will provide 1 month of meals and hygiene items per youth.

    Price $150.00

  • House Repairs & Maintenance

    House Repairs & Maintenance

    100% of your donation will go toward repairing our roof. Currently, the shingles of the roof are falling off which will likely result in water damage.

    Price $500.00

  • Bedding & Linens

    Bedding & Linens

    A donation of $125 will provide towels, bedding, and pillows for 3 new young men that move in.

    Price $125.00

  • Clothes & school supplies

    Clothes & school supplies

    A donation of $100 will provide clothing and school supplies for 1 of our young men.

    Price $100.00

  • House Admin & Staffing

    House Admin & Staffing

    A donation of $200 will provide 10 hours of program cost.

    Price $200.00


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